March 5, 2014

Preemptive Measures for Freezing Water Pipelines

Pipes burst from freezing temperatures and can be expensive and time consuming to fix... preemptively reinforce and prevent a burst with HJ3's CarbonSeal

Wisconsin Pipes

Preventing Frozen Pipes and Water Main Breaks

Water freezing inside pipes is a common issue during extreme winter weather, and it can lead to pipes bursting and causing significant damage. The Weather Channel's article on preventing frozen pipes highlights an interesting fact: the pipes burst not because of the expansion of frozen water but due to the increased pressure when ice completely blocks the pipe's flow. Smaller-diameter pipes are particularly susceptible to blockages. With the ongoing freezing temperatures this winter, both homeowners and utilities must take preventive measures to avert pipe bursting.

Challenges in Wisconsin and Canada

Wisconsin is currently grappling with freezing temperatures, resulting in numerous water pipeline breaks. In February, Milwaukee water crews addressed a staggering 305 main breaks within just one month, more than double the average for January. When frost extends four feet into the ground, pipes buried at that depth can freeze rapidly. Special equipment, including steam, is used to thaw lateral pipes blocked by ice. However, if the blockage is near the main beneath the street, excavation may be necessary, with thawing taking anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours and costing several hundred to $1,000 per repair. Preventing these issues is achievable by maintaining water flow through faucets, which may lead to a minor increase in water bills. It's essential to note that if a pipe bursts within your home, the responsibility lies with the homeowner, not the city.

Canada is grappling with a similar deep freeze, leading to a surge in water main breaks. Regina municipal workers inspected 33 water main breaks in one day, with Saskatoon reporting seven breaks. Regina typically experiences around 41 pipe bursts in February, but this year, the count is already at 49 by the 25th. Unprecedentedly low temperatures, below -55°F, are responsible for this surge. The frost affects not only older pipelines but also recently installed ones, making no institution immune to pipe bursts. Even the Royal University Hospital experienced a pipe burst, leading to damages of nearly $10,000, including repairs and cleanup. Although no procedures were canceled, the outpatient area had to be relocated, and infection prevention and control are evaluating the risk of infection spread.

Preemptive Solutions with Carbon Fiber

HJ3 Composite Technologies offers a proactive solution to avert pipe bursts through the CarbonSeal carbon fiber reinforcement system. This system meets ANSI/NSF-61 requirements for potable drinking water and provides protection against burst-inducing ice blockages. While wrapping pipes with CarbonSeal involves an initial expense, it's typically 50-80% less costly than the expenses of repair and pipe replacement after a burst. Additionally, it helps avoid damage costs resulting from water pipe breaks. The carbon fiber system enhances hoop strength, seals leaks, and contains cracks. Wrapping pipes, both small and large diameter, with HJ3's CarbonSeal before accidents occur can save significant time and money.

Secure Your Water Transmission Pipelines

If you're concerned about your water transmission pipelines and want to learn more about HJ3's carbon fiber reinforcement systems, don't hesitate to contact our project managers at


City of Mammoth Water Pipe Repair


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