June 3, 2014

DOT Bridge Column Repair

HJ3 wraps 60 degraded highway bridge columns, providing structural strengthening and extending its life for decades.

Reviving America's Bridges: Carbon Fiber Solutions for Corroded Columns

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure, over 66,000 bridges across the United States are currently classified as structurally deficient. To restore these bridges to a state of safety by 2028, an estimated $76 billion in funding is required. However, due to the shortage of available funding for complete replacements, federal, state, and local governments are actively seeking alternative solutions. In a remarkable case, a heavily frequented Kentucky Department of Transportation (DOT) bridge with more than 60 corroded columns opted for HJ3's innovative carbon fiber technology as a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to replacement, ultimately saving an impressive 50%.

The Strain on Bridges and Overpasses

Bridges and overpasses bear the constant stress of vehicular vibrations, leading to the development of minuscule cracks in the reinforced concrete structures. Over time, these tiny cracks can expand, allowing moisture and oxygen to infiltrate and corrode the reinforcing steel bars within. As the rebar corrodes and swells during freeze-thaw cycles, it exerts pressure that surpasses the compression strength of the surrounding concrete. The Kentucky bridge in question faced a substantial challenge with over 60 corroded concrete columns, resulting in sections of concrete overlay spalling and crumbling, posing a significant threat to the bridge's structural integrity. Unfortunately, the DOT was constrained by budget limitations and couldn't consider replacing the bridge. Instead, they turned to HJ3's carbon fiber technology to repair and fortify the deteriorating columns.

The Repair Process with HJ3's Carbon Fiber System

The repair project commenced with the removal of the damaged exterior using chipping hammers. The exposed rebar underwent meticulous cleaning and protection measures, while wooden forms were expertly constructed around each column to encase them in a high-strength grout poured in place. Following this crucial step, the rejuvenated columns were primed to prepare them for the application of carbon fiber. The carbon fiber wrap was skillfully deployed, and a protective topcoat sealed the deal. Thanks to HJ3's CivilTM system, the columns were effectively restored to their original shear and tensile capacity.

Minimizing Disruption and Maximizing Savings

Typically, bridge repairs pose challenges for drivers and workers alike. Bridge closures lead to traffic congestion, delays, and safety risks for DOT workers. Nevertheless, by choosing HJ3's CivilTM carbon fiber system to repair the bridge columns instead of resorting to replacement, the DOT managed to mitigate these problems. The repair process required only minimal road closures, saving time and reducing inconvenience. Furthermore, the corrosion-resistant carbon fiber technology eliminates the need for future maintenance. This entire restoration endeavor resulted in a remarkable 50% cost reduction compared to the expense of replacing the bridge columns.

Exploring Carbon Fiber Solutions for Bridge Repairs

Bridge maintenance is a crucial aspect of preserving our infrastructure and ensuring safety for all. If you're dealing with a bridge that requires repair or rejuvenation and want to learn more about HJ3's cutting-edge carbon fiber systems, don't hesitate to contact our project managers today at info@hj3.com.

Exposed rebar on bridge column
Cement crumbling around exposed rebar
Bridge column wrapped with the HJ3 Civil Strengthening System
Bridge repair with HJ3 carbon fiber
Carbon fiber-wrapped columns are now free of corrosion


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